This LD150 Series 2 was bought in a rather tatty condition
Very much dirt and surface rust underneath, no holes however and nothing beyond repair. The overall look is rather untouched at first looks, it has lots of period options attached although they are all rusted and no longer useable except the alloy floorboard extenders.
As the restorations on this scooters progress, from june ’03, you be able to follow the work done here on this page.
To be able to repair or service the scooter some parts need to be removed. Bolts and nuts can be badly rusted after 60 years, so if heating is no longer an option then there is always a grinder.

Still in original paint.
The scooter is complete, all the parts are there.
After some cleaning and minor repairs the scoter runs again, of course there still a lot of cosmetic works to be done.