
A complete list of all Innocenti Lambretta scooter produced. Bare in mind that date’s given can differ from other sources, mainly due to the fact that production dates and selling dates are not always the same.
Note: the different models are chronological sorted on Production Start date.

Model Production Start Production End
125M (A) 10/1/1947 10/31/1948
125B 11/1/1948 1/31/1950
125C 2/1/1950 11/30/1951
125LC 4/1/1950 11/30/1951
125D Series 1 12/1/1951 1/31/1953
125LD Series 1 12/1/1951 5/31/1953
125D Series 2 4/1/1953 10/1/1954
125E 5/1/1953 2/28/1954
125LD Series 2 6/1/1953 11/30/1956
125LDA Series 2 2/1/1954 12/31/1954
125F 3/1/1954 4/30/1955
150D Series 2 10/1/1954 12/31/1955
150LD Series 2 11/1/1954 1/31/1957
48 Series 1 8/1/1955 12/31/1957
150LDA Series 2 9/1/1955 11/30/1956
150D Series 3 1/1/1956 12/31/1956
125LD Series 3 1/1/1957 7/31/1958
150LD Series 3 1/1/1957 7/31/1958
150LDA Series 3 4/1/1957 12/31/1957
TV175 Series 1 9/1/1957 10/31/1959
LI150 Series 1 4/1/1958 10/31/1959
LI125 Series 1 6/1/1958 10/31/1959
48 Series 2 1/1/1959 3/31/1961
LI125 Series 2 10/1/1959 11/30/1961
LI150 Series 2 10/1/1959 11/30/1961
TV175 Series 2 10/1/1959 11/30/1961
LI125 Series 3 12/1/1961 11/30/1967
LI150 Series 3 1/1/1962 5/30/1967
TV175 Series 3 3/1/1962 10/31/1965
TV200 (GT200) 4/1/1963 10/31/1965
LI150 Special 9/1/1963 10/31/1966
Cento 3/1/1964 11/30/1965
J125 9/1/1964 9/30/1966
J50 10/1/1964 8/31/1966
LI125 Special 10/1/1965 1/1/1969
SX125 Special 10/31/1965 1/1/1969
SX200 1/1/1966 1/31/1968
J125 Starstream 5/1/1966 4/30/1969
SX150 10/1/1966 1/31/1969
Lambrettino 11/1/1966 12/31/1967
Lambrettino SX 10/1/1967 11/30/1968
J50 Deluxe 1/1/1968 10/31/1970
Lui50C/CL/S (Vega) 3/1/1968 6/30/1969
Lui75S/SL (Vega Cometa) 8/1/1968 12/31/1970
DL125 (GP125) 1/1/1969 4/30/1971
DL150 (GP150) 1/1/1969 4/30/1971
DL200 (GP200) 1/1/1969 4/30/1971
J50 Special 4/1/1970 5/30/1971